Are deodorants and antiperspirants safe to use during pregnancy?

Do you check the labels when you buy cosmetic products? 

Have you asked yourself – Can I use my favourite deodorant during pregnancy and later on when breastfeeding? 

We all know that antiperspirants and deodorants contain aluminium and lately there has been a lot of information about how dangerous they could be for your skin.  

You don’t have to be a doctor to understand the risks of using all these harmful components and that is why we have a dedication to promote self-care and awareness. Natural deodorants are a good option for anyone who wishes to avoid the harmful ingredients usually found in commercial deodorants. 

What do we know about antiperspirant? 

Commercial antiperspirants use aluminium, which mixed with your sweat plugs up your sweat glands. The result is the inability of your body to flush out toxins from your system and a lot of aluminium stored in your body. 

Aluminium can accumulate in your body much more easily than other toxins. When it does, it can cause hormone disruption, potentially cancer, and, some studies suggest, even Alzheimer’s disease. 

Knowing all of the above we definitely think that antiperspirants are not good for pregnant or breastfeeding women or anyone who cares about their body. 

When buying a deodorant make sure that the product you buy is free of aluminium, propylene glycol, SLS, PEG, parabens, phthalates, artificial fragrance, artificial flavour, artificial colourants and artificial sweeteners. 

What will also have to be considered is the allergens that some essential oils contain and the advice of scientists for some oils not to be used in the first trimester, for instance – Frankincense, Geranium and Lavender. If your natural deodorant contains any of these just avoid it in the first 3 months.